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Should I be afraid of anime with underage fanservice?

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Feb 28, 10:28 PM

Feb 2025
Reply to thewiru
Well, the definition of the term is anything that is there to pander for the fans, that could be cameos from certain characters or references to other media, but in this case is being used to mean ecchi.
@thewiru Then my question is what's ecchi lol. If this is sexual and underage then yeah its bad. Fanservice doesnt sound bad in general but if it has to do with minors and sexual content then it's bad.. obviously.
Mar 1, 12:26 AM

Feb 2014
Reply to Shortedout
@thewiru Then my question is what's ecchi lol. If this is sexual and underage then yeah its bad. Fanservice doesnt sound bad in general but if it has to do with minors and sexual content then it's bad.. obviously.
Ecchi is the Japanese pronunciation of "H", and the "H" refers to "Hentai", which in Japanese means "Pervert" (They do not have a word for pornographic animation or manga, they just call it "ero-anime" and "ero-manga", but that doesn't differentiate between explicitly pornographic and simply suggestive)
Here in the west we make that differentiation: Hentai is when something has explicit sex, Ecchi is when something is risqué, sexually suggestive or even shows a bit of nudity. Things that are focused on sexiness.

Shortedout said:
but if it has to do with minors and sexual content then it's bad.. obviously.

Care to explain why you think so?
Mar 1, 12:48 AM
Oct 2023
What do you mean by "afraid"?

And this is just another moral panic similar to "video games cause violence" bs. If this is a new thing to you then I understand why you might feel overwhelmed. Like I had lost my shit when I first watched a gore horror movie.

If you elaborate more about why you are asking this question then maybe I can help you understand it. (I didn't read rest of the thread cuz I am up to something, sorry about that) One thing I'll say is, if it make you too uncomfortable then you can just try to avoid and ignore it.
Mar 1, 7:01 AM

Oct 2009
Pedophilia is a lot more acceptable in Japan than the West so that's why you have gross shit like Sarada wearing a hooker getup despite being 12 in the Boruto manga. And somehow that shit isn't censored in the West. It's like society wants to condemn pedophilia on the surface, but beneath we have shit like Ikemoto and Epstein. Personally I just ignore it at this point.

Mar 1, 9:30 AM

Apr 2012
imnothere2001 said:
Can someone with a good understanding of anime and its history explain to me how fanservice of teenage characters isn't inherently harmful?

That's bigot logic. If you think something is harmful, you need to explain why. "Why isn't this harmful" is a nonsense question.

Why do you think there's such a big difference between fanservice of a Japanese 18 year old before and after the age of majority got lowered to 18, by the way?
Mar 1, 9:33 AM

Aug 2017
Reply to Shortedout
@thewiru Then my question is what's ecchi lol. If this is sexual and underage then yeah its bad. Fanservice doesnt sound bad in general but if it has to do with minors and sexual content then it's bad.. obviously.
@Shortedout where are sexual content of underage people in Anime? An Anime character isn't real, isn't human so they can't be underage or adult.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 1, 9:41 AM

Dec 2021
A lot of anime is aimed at horny teens, so it isn't too surprising to see them sexualizing high schoolers. Making good stories and interesting characters is hard, while plopping boobs on screen is easy.

Now when it comes to sexualizing children, well, it's important to remember that everything you see in media is fiction. Yes, absolutely everything. 100% everything. Totally everything in media is fiction. And, thus, it is totally harmless*. Nothing in fiction has any bearing on reality at all**. It exists purely for entertainment purposes only***. Yes, anyone who gets riled up by fiction needs to stop being a fragile little snowflake.

KittenCuddlerMar 1, 9:58 AM
Mar 1, 9:52 AM
Jan 2009
Reply to KittenCuddler
A lot of anime is aimed at horny teens, so it isn't too surprising to see them sexualizing high schoolers. Making good stories and interesting characters is hard, while plopping boobs on screen is easy.

Now when it comes to sexualizing children, well, it's important to remember that everything you see in media is fiction. Yes, absolutely everything. 100% everything. Totally everything in media is fiction. And, thus, it is totally harmless*. Nothing in fiction has any bearing on reality at all**. It exists purely for entertainment purposes only***. Yes, anyone who gets riled up by fiction needs to stop being a fragile little snowflake.

@KittenCuddler damn great way to show the hypocrisy of fiction is harmless group
Mar 1, 10:14 AM

Aug 2017
Reply to deg
@KittenCuddler damn great way to show the hypocrisy of fiction is harmless group
@deg there's no hypocrisy. We're against forced representation: characters stereotyped by their race, sex or sexual orientation which cause harm to the people they are supposed to represent, blackwashing (if it was the other way around, some loudly say its racist but somehow it isn't racist here by the same people) and many non-straight and non-white people are against forced representation so kitten thinks its something only made by straight non-black people when its obviously false. What its really hypocrisy is acting everyone who don't agree with it is a bigot when its most likely the opposite.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 1, 10:18 AM

Jul 2015
KittenCuddler said:
A lot of anime is aimed at horny teens, so it isn't too surprising to see them sexualizing high schoolers. Making good stories and interesting characters is hard, while plopping boobs on screen is easy.

Now when it comes to sexualizing children, well, it's important to remember that everything you see in media is fiction. Yes, absolutely everything. 100% everything. Totally everything in media is fiction. And, thus, it is totally harmless*. Nothing in fiction has any bearing on reality at all**. It exists purely for entertainment purposes only***. Yes, anyone who gets riled up by fiction needs to stop being a fragile little snowflake.

It's always funny to see those people arguing over something that only happened in their head.

Mar 1, 10:29 AM

Mar 2010
If you can't separate fiction from reality then yes its very harmful and you need help, OP go get help.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Mar 1, 10:47 AM

Dec 2021
Reply to deg
@KittenCuddler damn great way to show the hypocrisy of fiction is harmless group
@deg There is no hypocrisy here. I'd explain in detail why it isn't, but I need to get back to watching my daily youtube video telling me why a woman I don't want to masturbate to in a video game is not merely fictional media, but is actually part of an underhanded and sinister ploy by the beta SJW NPC communist tourists of woke to rip apart the fabric of society!
Mar 1, 11:12 AM

Feb 2014
If you're looking for a peer reviewed study or textbook explanation you won't find one. Nor will you find evidence to the contrary. But to try and answer your question, you just have to apply the same logic to violence. Do you think horror movies are an indication that the author/director is a homicidal maniac? What about romance? This seems obvious which is why it's easy to suspect op has an agenda. Probably to prove a point of since no defense exists, therefore it must be wrong. But that's probably just me being paranoid. Anyway, to conclude, no peer reviewed document, report, study, etc. has concluded any link between behavior and media consumed. They've had 30 years to try and find but it isn't there.
Mar 1, 11:27 AM
Aug 2018
For the type of answer you want, you should check the literature about it, asking weird nerds online will not get you very far. Sadly, most of the things written by qualified people are in Japanese, but there are some translated works. A good place to start would be "Beautiful fighting girl", by Tamaki Saito and "Otaku: Database Animals", by Hiroki Azuma.

In my opinion it's not something to worry about, neither the creators nor the fans are pedos for making or liking works with that type of stuff on them. As long as is 2D, of course.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.
Mar 1, 11:34 AM

Apr 2015
More shit takes and "only happens in my head" scenario from ShittenCrusader like usual.
"Well, she's flatter than a pancake"
-Mimi Alpacas
Mar 1, 11:47 AM

Feb 2015
Reply to Piromysl
Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
How is it supposedly harmful? We haven't seen any studies or research claiming that consuming such material would lead to someone trying to enact it in real life. All we have seen are cherrypicked examples that do not prove anything. This argument is very similar to "video games cause violence", which was very popular in the 90s. We all laugh at those people now, so why shouldn't we now?

To answer your question: It's not. It suddenly "became weird" when in recent years bunch of miserable people, who hate seeing others not being miserable as they are infiltrated the community and started policing with their own morals. Anime and it's community were doing good as a niche for decades without any significant drama until it blew up and became fully mainstream in recent years.

@Piromysl This is the best response in the thread in my opinion.
Censorship is vandalism.
Mar 1, 12:25 PM
Nov 2017
Spooks will destroy all that is beautiful and any worth of not killing ourselves
Mar 1, 4:46 PM

Dec 2021
I think it's weird but I try my best to ignore it. This is also the reason I don't really go out of my way to support the original manga creators.

Mar 1, 9:25 PM

Feb 2018

"Should I be afraid of anime with underage fanservice?"

Mar 1, 10:16 PM

Feb 2016
Did Star Trek really make that joke? I know Spongebob made that joke.
Mar 1, 10:20 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Piromysl
Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
How is it supposedly harmful? We haven't seen any studies or research claiming that consuming such material would lead to someone trying to enact it in real life. All we have seen are cherrypicked examples that do not prove anything. This argument is very similar to "video games cause violence", which was very popular in the 90s. We all laugh at those people now, so why shouldn't we now?

To answer your question: It's not. It suddenly "became weird" when in recent years bunch of miserable people, who hate seeing others not being miserable as they are infiltrated the community and started policing with their own morals. Anime and it's community were doing good as a niche for decades without any significant drama until it blew up and became fully mainstream in recent years.
@Piromysl You shouldn't, Anime is deliberately made to be unrealistic from reality and Denmark has studied the subject and proven that there is no correlation between fiction and reality. Don't throw away your hobbies because of delusional people can't make a distinction.
Hayao Miyazaki was a Mistake

Mar 1, 10:20 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Piromysl
Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
How is it supposedly harmful? We haven't seen any studies or research claiming that consuming such material would lead to someone trying to enact it in real life. All we have seen are cherrypicked examples that do not prove anything. This argument is very similar to "video games cause violence", which was very popular in the 90s. We all laugh at those people now, so why shouldn't we now?

To answer your question: It's not. It suddenly "became weird" when in recent years bunch of miserable people, who hate seeing others not being miserable as they are infiltrated the community and started policing with their own morals. Anime and it's community were doing good as a niche for decades without any significant drama until it blew up and became fully mainstream in recent years.
@Piromysl You shouldn't, Anime is deliberately made to be unrealistic from reality and Denmark has studied the subject and proven that there is no correlation between fiction and reality. Don't throw away your hobbies because of delusional people can't make a distinction.
Hayao Miyazaki was a Mistake

Mar 1, 10:23 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to Piromysl
Burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
How is it supposedly harmful? We haven't seen any studies or research claiming that consuming such material would lead to someone trying to enact it in real life. All we have seen are cherrypicked examples that do not prove anything. This argument is very similar to "video games cause violence", which was very popular in the 90s. We all laugh at those people now, so why shouldn't we now?

To answer your question: It's not. It suddenly "became weird" when in recent years bunch of miserable people, who hate seeing others not being miserable as they are infiltrated the community and started policing with their own morals. Anime and it's community were doing good as a niche for decades without any significant drama until it blew up and became fully mainstream in recent years.

You're correct. Danmark lit the daylights out of that one,
Hayao Miyazaki was a Mistake

Mar 1, 10:26 PM

Nov 2013
Reply to ChaoticThinker

You're correct. Danmark lit the daylights out of that one,
@ChaoticThinker Here are a couple of studies.
Hayao Miyazaki was a Mistake

Mar 2, 1:31 AM

Apr 2022
Honestly, this is the reason I’ve stopped consuming anime that centers around high school. It’s very clear that many shows with teenagers as the protagonists is going to lead to someone being unnecessarily sexualized. And quite frankly it’s fucking gross. It’s purely the reason I never bothered watching the Dandadan anime.

I’ll still watch a few anime here and there but it has to either focus on adults or be something different from the usual Highschool anime formula (like look back, Beastars, and Ping Pong). For instance, I’m watching Orb this season and it’s fantastic. Nobody is sexualized at all, no perverts, no SA or anything like that. We need more anime like that, that isn’t trying to appeal to horny otaku men and is more interested in just telling a good story.
RunasiusMar 2, 1:40 AM
Mar 2, 2:29 AM

Jul 2014
Teenagers are attractive, actually.
This didn't used to be a controversial statement at all. American moral panic is embarrassing.
Mar 2, 4:39 AM

Jul 2013
I see nothing wrong with sexualizing underaged anime girls. They are just cartoon characters. It is not like they are real people.
Mar 2, 5:17 AM

Apr 2017
Well I don't think western audiences have any right to pass judgement on the sexual proclivity of any artist when the US protects sexual offenders by electing them to office even to the highest office in the land.

Seriously. Fix your own shit

Is it a problem? Not as much as when the person who leads your country has consistently shown he has no qualms with breaking any and every law.

Honestly people see a cartoon character in a miniskirt and freak out. People commenting conflate actual lolicon with anime art. Have you been to Florida? Do you see how they dress their children irl?

Mar 2, 6:21 AM
Jan 2020
Reply to WatchTillTandava
imnothere2001 said:
....Are you saying that it's not weird to find irl teenagers hot?

Is that a serious question? Of course I'm saying that. That is the biologically normative and healthy reality, straight up. That's one of the reasons why the age of consent is 15, 16, or even lower in many places on Earth in the first place. I live in a modern Western country and it's 16 in my home jurisdiction, so not only is that factually scientifically the norm of human biology and normal sexual attractions/desires, but also legally recognized as such.

Many in practice aren't even going to get into having sexual relations or relationships at that age (and age of consent is also something distinct from the actual medically-recognized paraphilia of pedophilia) that young, nor is it often necessarily wise or desirable depending on life situations, but it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with pedophiles and pedophilia. To assert such a thing is to make a claim that my home state has legalized acts of pedophilia, which is absolutely not the case and a total absurdity.

But yes, people of either sex being attracted to, say, a hot 15 or 16 year-old is completely the norm of human biology. The only way I would imagine someone could not understand something so ingrained and ubiquitous is if they've fallen prey to misinformation.

I think, honestly, that you're:

A) Confusing pedophilia with attraction to those below some age of consent you have decided upon in your head, when the two are separate issues and concepts

B) Believing, falsely, that said age of consent in the first place is at all some universally agreed upon thing across jurisdictions worldwide. There are comments about 17, 16, etc. year-olds in this thread as if that isn't the age of consent anyway across most of Europe, Asia, Africa, more than half the U.S., etc.
For OP: No you shouldnt be afraid, but if you dont like, just dont engage with it, there are plenty of other anime and manga that not only dont have that fanservice, but that dont have ANY fanservice AT ALL, go check them out. It is odd to make an account just for that too, may treat that problem IRL if it is getting on your nerves that much.

@WatchTillTandava Rare to see someone who is actually making a good and well informed opinion like you in this site that isnt low quality, saturated reddit-like misinformation. It is hilarious how NONE of these people here know what pedophilia is or equate, ridiculously so, being attracted to a 5 year old to be the same as being attracted to a 16 year old, which if someone does actually think it is the same thing, i can safely disregard anything they have to say. Their definition must be the one from reddit and the usual north american, which is "below 18 = pedo". I live in brazil and unfortunately that misinformation is sometimes imported by some and spread around.

I will also add that the average teen girl is not a naive clueless kid like an actual child is, MANY have casual sexual experience here on my country and i see that since i was a teen myself, it is not strange to see so many informed on the matter here, i imagine it is the same outside of here. Hell, the average 16 year old here has more experience than me, that have none LMAO but that is another topic haha.

Anyway great and refreshing comment.
INoLuvMar 2, 7:09 AM
Mar 2, 6:35 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to Evbignerd
Yes its annoying and weird to see underage characters in those scenes but do not make a post here becuase as you have seen in this thread, anime fans will go to any length to defend its exisitnce. Talking about "age of consent" "burden of proof" "seared into your genes" "They are not real" lol
@Evbignerd yes burden of proof because the argument was that it's harmful if it's harmful it also mean its datamined meaning some data must exist somewhere of the harm done because in 10 years in that community absolutely no one have shown proof that fictional characters harm it was always just concept as proof rather than proof to explain the concept (which is the normal way you do science by trying to prove you wrong). If the argument was just he doesn't like it I wouldn't have bother to respond but it wasn't that since op assume that the creators of those might be terrible people so since it's the assumed tangent then yeah he get burden of proof since we are talking about people here who unless proven otherwise are innocent.
Mar 2, 8:33 AM

Jul 2015
Reply to Evbignerd
Yes its annoying and weird to see underage characters in those scenes but do not make a post here becuase as you have seen in this thread, anime fans will go to any length to defend its exisitnce. Talking about "age of consent" "burden of proof" "seared into your genes" "They are not real" lol
@Evbignerd Yeah, it's pretty idiotic when people are throwing legal terms when discussing fiction.

Mar 2, 8:38 AM

Mar 2008
It's been a thing since like the 70s and 80s which it was highly popular at a time but Japan doesn't really have a crazy high violent crime rage nor does it really have a particularly abnormal suicide rate and when it does it's mainly men who have the higher suicide rate back when it was higher. The characters arent real so they have no age but "underage" is complete nonsense concept where age of majority and age of consent differs across the world and historically it always was widely acknowledged and accepted teenagers having relationships and a sexuality. If you want to see how dangerous neurotic paranoia can get read into the Satanic panic of the 1990s in the US.
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Mar 2, 9:22 AM

Feb 2024
How the hell is this stupidity bait not locked?
Mar 2, 4:15 PM

Apr 2020
Everyone is a pedo, potentially dangerous and you're normal and virtuous for struggling with the depiction of 2D Cartoon girls. What a fella.

Sometimes I tell my sister Im gonna kill her, if she angers me.
I guess Im attempting murder, everytime we fight. Im not a normal person. Im from Turkey btw. So I should ask myself how it happens and why my family is able to differentiate between words and actual murder. Damn the world is weird. You're a good guy, tho.

Shut up.
Grow up or just don't watch. We don't care what you can or cannot enjoy in good faith.
Your virtues mean nothing.

Make yourself a nice, warm milk, have a cookie and go take a cozy nap. No need to be afraid, babyboy.
Mar 2, 4:53 PM

Jun 2015
Reply to Yedrin
Teenagers are attractive, actually.
This didn't used to be a controversial statement at all. American moral panic is embarrassing.
@Yedrin No. Teenagers can be good looking, but for the overwhelming majority of adults, they are not “attractive” as in “I’m sexually attracted to this teenager.”

This is not American moral panic, it’s the natural biological function of most adults to not view teenagers as romantic or sexual partners. To be extremely clear, I’m once again saying that good looking =/=sexually attractive. And if you’re an adult who is sexually attracted to teens, genuinely seek help.
Mar 3, 10:53 AM

Jul 2014
it’s the natural biological function of most adults to not view teenagers as romantic or sexual partners
Source: your tiktok feed
Think about what you just typed for longer than 1 second. "Natural biological function" hahaha what the hell
You are so oversocialized it's comical
Mar 3, 10:57 AM

Jun 2015
Reply to Yedrin
it’s the natural biological function of most adults to not view teenagers as romantic or sexual partners
Source: your tiktok feed
Think about what you just typed for longer than 1 second. "Natural biological function" hahaha what the hell
You are so oversocialized it's comical
@Yedrin I have thought about this - many, many times and each time, I still come to the conclusion that there's something wrong with your head if you're a grown ass adult who is sexually and romantically attracted to teenagers. Especially if you're much older like 25+. I'm literally the same age as you and I am not attracted to teenagers. Are you attracted to them? Is that why you're defending adults who are sexually attracted to teenagers?

Also, every single comment you've made on MAL is now in defense of pedophiles, congrats.
Mar 3, 3:43 PM

Feb 2025
Reply to thewiru
Ecchi is the Japanese pronunciation of "H", and the "H" refers to "Hentai", which in Japanese means "Pervert" (They do not have a word for pornographic animation or manga, they just call it "ero-anime" and "ero-manga", but that doesn't differentiate between explicitly pornographic and simply suggestive)
Here in the west we make that differentiation: Hentai is when something has explicit sex, Ecchi is when something is risqué, sexually suggestive or even shows a bit of nudity. Things that are focused on sexiness.

Shortedout said:
but if it has to do with minors and sexual content then it's bad.. obviously.

Care to explain why you think so?
@thewiru Hey, thank you for the definition, is was pretty helpful. It seems like this stuff can be a bit broad and my own opinion is probably a bit stiff. I was short sighted. I think minor, sexual content and go straight to thinking Hentai. Though the issue would be if a person is attracted to minors and gets aroused by it. Draws it for that reason, reads it etc. That's some level of pedophilia is it not? Not discussing doing any harm etc lol. I understand this stuff is fictional. Bad is not the best word to use with the clarification on Ecchi and the difference it has from Hentai. Idk man. It seems fuckin weird at times but then again I'd probably read or watch something and not even realize its Ecchi. Is that possible? lol.

I imagine someone can read Ecchi stuff or things involving underage fanservice and not be aroused by it lol. Its probably not a problem and you shouldn't have to fear it! haha. Jk you obviously seem to know a whole lot more than I do on the subject. My point of view is very limited. I read manga and watch anime and love it quite a bit, but there's still a lot to learn.

At the end of the day it is just fictional stuff but if a person is aroused by a fictional minor why would it stop there? Some flavor of pedophilia probably. That's the issue anyone would really have about this stuff - sexualizing a minor/child. Right? Why else would anyone give a shit?
Mar 3, 3:53 PM

Feb 2025
Reply to Nurguburu
@Shortedout where are sexual content of underage people in Anime? An Anime character isn't real, isn't human so they can't be underage or adult.
@Nurguburu I mean, there are canonical ages to children and minors in anime/manga. Also would any of this even be a topic of discussion if there wasn't? You can clearly illustrate a minor/child and an adult character. At times it my be difficult to tell though. There are also cases outside of anime/manga that involve depictions of actual minors & children being sexualized and worse etc in the style of anime but not like serialized I assume idk if that has happened at all. So basically yeah even if its fictional you can still illustrate a minor/child and it could possibly - imo - represent a urge some one could have about minors and children.
Mar 3, 5:02 PM

Aug 2017
Reply to Shortedout
@Nurguburu I mean, there are canonical ages to children and minors in anime/manga. Also would any of this even be a topic of discussion if there wasn't? You can clearly illustrate a minor/child and an adult character. At times it my be difficult to tell though. There are also cases outside of anime/manga that involve depictions of actual minors & children being sexualized and worse etc in the style of anime but not like serialized I assume idk if that has happened at all. So basically yeah even if its fictional you can still illustrate a minor/child and it could possibly - imo - represent a urge some one could have about minors and children.
@Shortedout "canonical ages"? Such things shouldn't be taken seriously in the first place. It's the same thing with "height" or "weight".

You have immortal characters who are given a random "age". Seriously who lives for like +400 "years" LOL
You have alien characters who are given a random "age".
You have short characters who are given a random "age".
You have characterS who reincarnated in another world, they are mentally "older".
And the rest characters who are given a random "age" which it doesn't matter since they are unrealistic and no real.

You should read again what I said. It doesn't matter what "age" they are canonically given or they are given by others. They are not real, they are not human so they can't be underage or adult. It doesn't matter how we "perceived" them since no one is getting hurt in Anime which its completely different from CP since they are using an real underage person photo for NSFW stuff is a form of child abuse, that's why its understandably illegal even its the mere possession is illegal. To be CP, it must be a real underage person being harmed in some way which a fictional unrealistic character is clearly not.

The cases are you mentioned are cases involves real children/underage people as you mentioned, even such depictions are now created with AI which its treated as CP since a real minor is involved. All depictions with underage people in NSFW situations are illegal since you know they are underage people involved -doesn't matter if its realistic or unrealistic if a real minor is depicted-.

A fictional character being sexualized "represent a urge some one could have about minors and children"? Do you have evidence to support your claim? It's like saying being furry (attracted to antro animals, the unrealistic version of animal characters) "represent a urge some one could have about animals" or the old "if you play videogames and kill people or commit violent acts, it represents a urge to commit violent acts or kill real people". So far, I don't know any evidence to support any claims I mentioned which its in this case, its even the most unlikely to happen in the first place. I made my research time ago and I read pedophiles are not interesed in loli for example since they considering its too unrealistic in the first place.

I know even cases of people complaining about such content and accusing others of being pedophiles turned to be pedophiles themselves. Like I was a victim once, I still remember when a pedophile mod from the Anime Soul Discord server years ago banned me since I said "MHA characters are hot" saying it was a "pedophile" comment, next year he was sexting with a minor and got banned from the server. I never received an apology from the owner after one of their mods accused me of doing illegal acts and you know the worst part? It wasn't the first time. It was common to find pedophiles in that place even when I used to be part of the mod team and none were interesed in problematic Anime content they loudly claims its "for pedophiles". Won't be surprised if pedophiles are still in such places, again, it isn't the owner or other people fault but it ruins the reputation of the server overall.

Also, Anime depictions of characters are most harmless thing in the world considering many cartoons aimed at children or even live actions do something which its much closer to reality and they don't cause much controversy but somehow its a issue with Anime only to the point I don't know if they hate Anime or they hate Japanese people in general.

Edit: this a topic of discussion since some people think fiction = reality but the same people don't said the same if an Anime character is killed = a real person is killed, its only if something sexual is shown, also the same people ironically don't care about kids since if a character is being killed or abused in a non-sexual way, they wouldn't say "an underage person is abused in the Anime and it promotes abuse of children". You watched FMAB, do you think someone said FMAB "abused children" since it shows Pride as antagonist or the experiments with Nina and the dog? No.

That's why I can't take such people seriously most of the time.

For me, I don't like some fictional content but it doesn't mean I think the other person is doing illegal stuff if no real people or animals are involved in the production of such content.

The pedophile, abuser, etc could be the most normal person you could think, that's why its so scary.
NurguburuMar 3, 6:18 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 4, 2:31 AM

Apr 2012
Shortedout said:
At the end of the day it is just fictional stuff but if a person is aroused by a fictional minor why would it stop there?

Have you ever been attracted to someone who wasn't attractd to you? Well, you're obviously a rapist then, after all, why should it stop there?

If you find the difference between harmless things and harmful things so hard to understand that you can't imagine people caring, that's a problem with you.

Shortedout said:
You can clearly illustrate a minor/child and an adult character.

How do you illustrate being a minor? That's a legal status, it doesn't have an appearance. For instance, when the age of majority was lowered from 20 to 18 in Japan, 18 and 19 year olds stopped being minors. How do you see the difference from drawings of them?
Mar 4, 7:39 AM

Jul 2013
Well, technically fanservice of underaged characters is not cp, so it is not illegal, so you have nothing to worry about it.
Mar 4, 2:42 PM

Mar 2012
imnothere2001 said:
Please don't mock me or call me a "tourist".

Too late, already pegged you as this the moment i saw the name of your thread. Anime is not for you if you're offended by tropes that have been around since at least the 1970s.

Mar 4, 3:55 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Shimapan-chan
imnothere2001 said:
Please don't mock me or call me a "tourist".

Too late, already pegged you as this the moment i saw the name of your thread. Anime is not for you if you're offended by tropes that have been around since at least the 1970s.
OP isn't offended. It's intrusive thoughts. It's part of OCD symptoms for some people to be preoccupied with a thought that they are hurting someone or otherwise expecting something bad happening because they didn't do a ritual.
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Mar 4, 6:13 PM

Jul 2013
How is fan service of underaged anime characters harmful? It is not like real child porn actually exists. It is not like pedophiles actually exist. All pedos are imaginary monsters who don't exist. There is no real porno content. All "porn" is just fictional hentai.
Mar 5, 4:09 PM

Jul 2019
Wise words from best Imouto Mikan

Mar 6, 5:50 AM

Jul 2013
I think the underaged fan service in anime is very enjoyable to watch. Chill out, it is just fictional characters. It is not like it is real people.
Mar 6, 8:04 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Shimapan-chan
imnothere2001 said:
Please don't mock me or call me a "tourist".

Too late, already pegged you as this the moment i saw the name of your thread. Anime is not for you if you're offended by tropes that have been around since at least the 1970s.
@Shimapan-chan Why not? I see no reason why someone who hates seeing fanservice of school-aged characters can't just watch anime which don't have fanservice of school-aged characters. Very few fans watch absolutely any type of anime.
Mar 7, 3:08 AM

Jan 2013
Not if you're a rational human being, but I think that's in short supply. There's absolutely nothing special about fanservice of teenage cartoon characters, because they aren't fucking real. You at least have some justification if you're scared of lolicon, but to be afraid at the concept of a fictional character being underage, a completely arbitrary distinction, is beyond ridiculous.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Mar 7, 3:19 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to Shortedout
@thewiru Hey, thank you for the definition, is was pretty helpful. It seems like this stuff can be a bit broad and my own opinion is probably a bit stiff. I was short sighted. I think minor, sexual content and go straight to thinking Hentai. Though the issue would be if a person is attracted to minors and gets aroused by it. Draws it for that reason, reads it etc. That's some level of pedophilia is it not? Not discussing doing any harm etc lol. I understand this stuff is fictional. Bad is not the best word to use with the clarification on Ecchi and the difference it has from Hentai. Idk man. It seems fuckin weird at times but then again I'd probably read or watch something and not even realize its Ecchi. Is that possible? lol.

I imagine someone can read Ecchi stuff or things involving underage fanservice and not be aroused by it lol. Its probably not a problem and you shouldn't have to fear it! haha. Jk you obviously seem to know a whole lot more than I do on the subject. My point of view is very limited. I read manga and watch anime and love it quite a bit, but there's still a lot to learn.

At the end of the day it is just fictional stuff but if a person is aroused by a fictional minor why would it stop there? Some flavor of pedophilia probably. That's the issue anyone would really have about this stuff - sexualizing a minor/child. Right? Why else would anyone give a shit?
@Shortedout Well, if you want to be educated on the subject, then pedophilia literally can't be applied towards any subjects who are sexually mature, and is generally understood to be a preference for pre-pubescent body types. So, if we're talking about say, very clearly post-pubescent females, then there's nothing remotely interesting about that. Your question of "why would it stop there" is akin to the antiquated videogames cause violence argument, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of how we approach fiction versus reality as a whole.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
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